Using Track Edit

Manipulating track using a spline editor

Learning how to use Track Edit 2 is vital for the advanced Parkitect player. Track Edit 2 makes precise manipulation of tracked rides and roller coasters possible. Track Edit 2 is currently not being developed and mainted which means it has bugs and quirks that the player will have to work around. The following page provides the help needed to get started.


Skill level: Advanced

Introduction from Tristar*:

Before you use Track Edit. You should know that it's only recommended for experienced builders and that it can lead to errors or even a lost coaster layout. Do the following steps first: Make a blueprint of the coaster and a backup of the savegame. Let the game in play mode if you wanna edit the track with Track Edit. Don't click on a station node, just don't.

Troubleshooting  AFAIK:

If the camera moves when you move a node and the node continues to move, you have to deselect the last track piece in the builder menu.

If the banking of node is always turning extremely, you have to omit the track preview of a new track. Otherwise it is because the track to be edited does not actually allow banking.

Sometimes especially on special pieces, the tracks couldn't be connected right away, and the train derails. For that you have to delete this (special) track and build again (with auto-complete).

To install copy the folder pollend@TrackEdit to


Tutorial written by Wauwter
