SaVe File Editing

Custom track pieces, elements, attractions, weather

Learn how to create switchtracks, turntables and other shenenigans usings Safe File Editing. SFE is a special technique only recommended to use by advanced players. Players can edit anything they want in a save file including, but not limited to weather, game mode, track types, baseplates of attractions and of course track elements.


Skill level: Expert

Save File Editing (SFE) can be very tricky for new players, but is ultimately the best way to create special (track)elements without the need of mods. It enables the manipulation of ingame items as long as it saved in the save file. Players who use SFE don't need any mods and players who open parks that used SFE don't need to install mods either! Using Coaster Anarchy to make editing track pieces easier is recommended.

SFE can be done easily using your favorite ZIP file opener and text editor. If you don't have any installed we recommend using 7-zip and Notepad++.

Follow the tutorial on this page to get started with save file editing. This document will be updated regularly with new information. If you have any questions, try asking the Parkitect cummunity over at the official Discord server. 

Don't forget to make a backup of your gamefile before starting!


Tutorial written by KongCakes

Swing Launch Tutorial